Exploring Mindfulness with Your Child

Practising mindfulness is a fantastic way to tune into moment-by-moment thoughts, feelings, and experiences, rather than focussing on things that have happened in the past or worrying about things that may or may not happen in the future. Studies have found that people who practise mindfulness tend to feel more accomplished and are able to enjoy life to a greater degree, because they appreciate every moment. Parents can help their children become more mindful with the following tips from an independent school in Hitchin, which will help them appreciate the little things in life.
When you’re out and about with your child, ask them to have a look at their surroundings and talk about some of the things they have observed. For instance, what can they see, hear, smell, feel or even taste? You don’t always have to focus on positives; it’s also important to recognise unpleasant sensations so that they can be avoided again in the future. Understanding how the mind and body responds to certain experiences will help your child to feel grateful for the good and prepare for the bad.
There is lots of information on the internet about mindfulness and how to practise with your child but try not to force it if it doesn’t come naturally to them. It would be better to try again in the future. You can always contact your child’s teachers if you would like some additional support, as the school are always very forthcoming when it comes to helping parents with their child’s wellbeing.
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