Using Technology to Help with Home Learning

There are lots of pros and cons when it comes to a child’s use of technology. Recently, lots of parents have become concerned with the amount of time their kids are spending using digital devices, because it can become an unhealthy addiction. When used in the right way, though, technology can be great. The current global pandemic has forced many parents to become teachers, and technology can be used in a positive way to help children with their home learning. Most schools are uploading resources to their websites that their pupils can download and complete each day. However, even without a direct input from your child’s school, there are lots of learning tools on the internet that you can use to help stimulate your child’s brain so that they don’t fall behind with their education. Here are some tips from a co-educational school in Kent.
Technology is far more flexible than a normal classroom environment because it allows the child to work in ways best suited to their unique learning style and abilities. For instance, if your child finds the work set by their teachers too easy, you can help them find slightly harder learning tasks online to challenge them. What’s more, an auditory learner might prefer to download and listen to an audiobook, while a visual learner might prefer to write up some notes from a fact sheet that they’ve read online.
Since most children jump at the chance to use their smartphones and other digital devices, it’s likely that your child might feel more inclined to study if they are allowed to use technology. This is great for their motivation and will enrich their learning journey. For instance, they may like to watch a vlogger on YouTube teaching them cooking or crafting tips. Alternatively, they might like to play educational games by downloading apps to their phones. Essentially, if you can help your youngster find some suitable learning tools, they will be able to have fun whilst also staying on the right track with their education.
Technology is also great for ensuring that parents and teachers stay connected during this challenging time. It would be a good idea to email your child’s teacher asking them for an outline of the curriculum so that you know what they would’ve been learning about in class. This will help you come up with suitable tasks and activities at home and allow you to feel a little more in control of the situation. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re struggling; there are learning activities in everything around us, if only you choose to see it that way.
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